Search Engine Optimisation can indeed be a complex matter, however there are many ways to optimise your website using your own Content Management System. If you don't have a Content Management System - CMS - then we at Storm will happily build one for you, either on your existing website, or if you need a new website design.
Below are some simple tips on Optimising your web site for improved results in Google search.
Research your keywords and phrases
Don't ignore medium sized keywords
Add longer key-phrases to the website pages
Optimise your title tags
Add emotion to your title tags
Optimise the page titles
Use powerful words
Add facts and statistics to stories and titles
Optimise your page descriptions
Research competitor high ranking websites
Research Google PPC advert campaign wording
Don't leave out your primary target keywords
Place the most important content at the top of the page
Include interesting introductions on your website pages
Develop more in-depth web page content
Make sure your content can be understood by people
For more details please contact us.
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